Welcome to Irving Middle School!

Welcome to Irving Middle School!

Irving Middle School serves approximately 520 students in District 89.  We are excited for the 2024-2025 school year. Our vision is that Irving will be a school of choice and community pride.  Our mission is that Irving empowers, educates and inspires students to achieve personal excellence in a multi-cultural society.

Furthermore, we want all children to be present, be engaged in instruction and enjoy the learning process. Working together as a school, family and community we can achieve the high expectations set forth for our children.  Together We GLOW (Growing, Learning, Observing, and Winning) is our theme for the year. It is our goal to make this happen daily.

Finally, our teachers and staff are committed to providing our next generation of leaders with rigorous instruction.  It is our goal to ensure that all students are prepare to compete in this global society.  We look forward to making this a reality with the support of our Maywood community.


Principal Mahone



Our Mission

District 89 empowers, educates and inspires students to achieve personal excellence in a multi-cultural society.